Thursday, May 14, 2020

Adopting Jesus for Daily Living

For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps. 1 Peter 2:21

Following in the steps of Jesus will be the most wonderful way to living the Christian life  because Christian living is modeling Christ's life. Living the Christ life is being deliberate about conducting the affairs of one's life with Christ as the model. Now, to adopt Christ for daily living will require, first, that you know Him in personally, through faith in His finished work on the cross. Then, through the written word, you get appropriate knowledge of His life. It is what you know of Him in the word that can be translated into a way of life by the help of the Holy Spirit.

There are many facts about Jesus that are revealed in the word, but each of these facts may not have affected you in a very personal way. Those things that you know about Jesus that have impacted your life the most are the things that you can adopt for daily living. If, for example, you have been remarkably impressed by His humility, that will be a point to start from. One thing that you can't miss about His humble disposition will be His readiness to serve others, even though He was God in human form. Philippians 2:5-7. So, if His humble life is what has impressed you the most, then that must be what you will want to impact the way you live.

Daily seek out an aspect of His life that you are most impressed by, and determine that it will become a part of your own life. In this way, you will begin daily to train yourself in Christ-likeness.
