Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Walking the Love Walk

Ephesians 3:16-19

We must begin by saying that bible love,  which is God's kind of love, is not natural to the fallen man. Our natural inclination is to live unto ourselves, and when our actions positively impact other people, it will often be as a result of how it first served our own interests. Since bible love is not a natural disposition, it must, then, be a supernatural disposition given by the Holy Spirit of God. Bible love is a self-giving disposition towards others who may not qualify for it. This is the love of God to the world. 

In a world given to the pursuit of self-aggrandizement, love is a revolutionary walk unknown to it, but which can be seen through the lives of those who are in union with God, who is love. Love is the antidote to the scourge of self-centeredness that is plaguing the world. The greatest need of the world today is a people who are walking the love walk. The love walk is a lifestyle of sacrificial living that is strange to the world. By this, God makes His presence tangibly visible in the world. But for this to happen, those in union with God will have to learn to be like their God who Himself is love.

As was noted earlier, this kind of walk is alien to this world, therefore, to bring it into this realm will be the same as bringing the supernatural to this natural realm. By the new birth, we are born into the realm of the supernatural, but by the love walk, we come into a daily experience of the supernatural. Sadly, there are many who have been born into the supernatural that have never known what it means to be in the supernatural because they are continuing to walk the self walk. 
