Monday, March 4, 2019

When God Gets your Attention

When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”And Moses said, “Here I am.” Exodus 3:4 | NIV

Moses was out in the field for his normal day's work and everything was normal, nothing hinted at what the day held for him until the sudden and unexpected appeared in what has become known to us as the burning bush. A close look at Moses' encounter at the burning bush holds a special lesson for us in walking with God. First, Moses sees the bush burning but observed that it was not consumed but instead of going on with his routine, he stopped to see this unusual sight. It is interesting to note what happened one he turned aside to see, the bible says that when God saw that Moses turned aside to see, He began to speak to him. One may ask what may have happened if Moses ignored what he saw and continued in his pre-planned schedule. Chance is that he would have missed God's appointment for him that day. But thank God he didn't.

What then is the lesson for us in this story? There are things that God places in our path sometimes to get our attention and when He succeeds, out of that thing He begins to speak to us. The problem is that often we are not like Moses, sensitive to turn aside and see. How many opportunities we may have lost in the past of getting God give us direction for our lives because we planned Him out through our poorly devised schemes.
