Friday, March 1, 2019

Serving God Continually

Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee. Daniel 6:16 | KJV

A Gentile king understood the power in serving God continually, not on a part time basis. But what does it mean to serve God continually? It is to serve God in spite of the circumstances in which one finds himself. In Daniel's case, his situation was a conspiracy against him that was tied to his faith in God. He was faced with only one option: follow God or obey an obnoxious and ungodly law that was designed to turn him away from his devotion to God. In keeping with his commitment to serving God, he became a conscientious objector.

Serving God continually is sure to be met with grave challenges, especially in a world that is growing more and more hostile to God. Therefore serving God continually comes with its attendant risks. Those who serve God continually have made up their minds that doing so is worth all the risk that is attendant. This way of life is not a thing to be entered into thoughtlessly, one should thoughtfully consider the dangers it entails and conclude that doing so is worth all the risks it takes. Reaching this point does not come easy, it requires a cultivated devotion to God that is deliberate and consistent, judging God as worthy of suffering for, if it becomes necessary.
