Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Fiasco of Ai

Against Jericho, Joshua had received a definite direction from the Lord on how the city was to be taken. But against a relatively smaller Ai, he depended on the advice of the people and failed. The story would definitely have been different if he had sought the Lord before the mission and Israel would not have gone to war with sin in the camp. How often we are like Joshua in our spiritual warfare, we emerge from one victory and proceed to another battle in the confidence of the last victory, and fail to seek the guidance of God. This is the display of arrogance. And when disaster strikes, we are quick, like Joshua to blame the Lord.

David was a man who depended on God for every battle, he never went into a new battle with the strategy that gave him victory in the last one. Constantly he sought God's counsel for what to do in the face of every new conflict, and the results were seen in the victories he had over the nations that he fought against. The discipline of enquiry is a vital discipline we all must learn, if daily victory is our desire. As a person, I have incurred many falls simply because I failed to inquire of God. If David could inquire from God and received a response from Him, then can we do and even better, being positioned in Christ. "Lord, what would You have me do," is a question that can save us from many needless defeats, as Israel painfully found in the fiasco at Ai.
