Thursday, November 8, 2018

Take Heed what you Hear

For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. Mark 4:22

There is nothing that is hidden that will not be exposed; and nothing that is kept as secret that will not be brought to light. Obviously Jesus was not talking about this present time, because you and I know that there are many things that will remain in the dark in this present life. But Jesus was talking of a time when nothing will be kept secret. This must be with regard to the time of the judgment of God.

Since this is true, the wise thing to do will be to deal with every secret in the light of God's word, because failing to do so will mean waiting for the day when God will have to do it by Himself, and at that time, it will be too late to change anything. Therefore, Jesus warns, "If any man have ears to hear, let him hear." When the bible speaks about hearing, what is meant is not just hearing, but taking heed to what is heard. Doing something about what is heard is what the bible means by hearing.

But He goes on further and says, "Take heed what you hear." This is how important Jesus regards the question of hearing, that He didn't only admonish us to hear, but also to be careful what we hear. In other words, what we hear has the ability of determining what happens to us both here and after. If what we hear is consistent with the word of God, good. But if what we hear is contrary to the word of God, it spells doom when we build our lives on it, therefore, the wise thing to do is to make amends now when change is possible, because a will come when it will be too late to make any change.
