Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Many shall Turn away from the Faith

At that time many will turn away from the faith... Matthew 24:10

In this verse, as in many other verses of the NT, Jesus makes clear the possibility of a person departing from the faith. In His own words, "Many will turn away from the faith." There are however people who teach that it is not possible for one who has once believed to stop believing. But this claim is not consistent with the words of Jesus regarding the matter. It is either that Jesus didn't mean what He said or He didn't say what He meant. 

The danger in such teachings is that people are given a false sense of assurance that since they have confessed Christ as their Lord, they cannot, even if they chose to, turn away from the faith. When this error is believed, there is a tendency for such people to live their lives contrary to what the scriptures teach and assume that they are secured since it is impossible for them to turn away from the faith. They easily forget that Jesus has said that only those who do the will of His Father will enter the kingdom of heaven.
