Friday, September 14, 2018

The Righteousness of God Revealed

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Romans 1:17

From the beginning of God’s revelation of Himself to mankind, His aim was to make known His righteousness to man and not only to reveal it to man but to also reveal it in man. In Adam’s sin, mankind lost this first opportunity, for though Adam was innocent, he was not righteous, righteousness being an essential attribute of God that can only be imputed to the receiver. However, through Moses, God introduced the law to the nation of Israel, but this did not help them to receive the righteousness of God. 

The law revealed to Israel the requirements of God’s righteousness, to the intent that they may see their sinfulness and by it seek the Saviour who imparts righteousness. At the fullness of time, God sent His only begotten Son, born of a woman and made under the law, by whom sin is forgiven and righteousness imparted. This, however, is done only through faith in the gospel, which is the power of God to save all who will believe.

It is by this gospel that the sinner is translated from sin to righteousness, from death to life, from darkness to light. Whoever carries the gospel carries the power of God. It must, however, be noted that faith does not procure this righteousness, it is only the instrument by which it is received. The blood of Jesus is the procuring instrument of the righteousness of God that is received by faith. The man who is justified by the blood of Jesus lives only by faith and his life Christ begins with faith and continues in faith to the end; it is a life lived from faith to faith. Such a personhas no other way of living but by faith. 

It's absurd to begin life in Christ by faith and then aspire to continue and end it by works; it will no longer be from faith to faith, but from faith to works. This was the error of the Galatians, and you can see how seriously the Apostle took it, devoting an entire letter to correcting it.

To live by faith means to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The law gave the requirements for the righteousness of God, but could not impart it to the doers of it, the gospel, however, revealed God's righteousness to all who believed.
