Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your
sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge.
Psalm 51:4
David acknowledged that sin is
primarily against God. But why is it particularly an evil against God?
It is an act of dishonour meted out to a holy God because it is done
right in His presence. Think of this: you live with your father in the
same house and you know that he hates any kind of immorality, yet, in
defiance, you bring a girl right into his room, and in his presence, you
strip the girl naked and have sex with her.
hear you say God forbid that you will do such an evil against your
father. Yes, I agree with you. But that exactly is what we do each time
we sin. According to David, his sin was done in the sight of God. This
is what makes it such an evil. So when next you are tempted to sin
against God, remember that He is not in heaven watching you, He is right
before you, in the very place where you are about to commit that act of
sin. Can you do such a previous act and dishonour the One who left
heaven and came into this world to suffer and die for you? Now that you
know that He is right with you, what should be your response when the
lure of sin confronts you?