Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Intimacy by Fellowship with Christ

God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Co. 1:9

It's remarkable to know that God has called us into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ. But what is our response to this call? It is one thing to be called, it's another thing to respond to the call. By the call, God is inviting us into fellowship with His Son; this is the greatest invitation we can ever receive after the invitation to come to Christ. It is in fellowship with Christ that godly character is formed. To ignore this invitation to fellowship with Christ is to elect a life lived to gratify carnal and earthly things. But how can we have fellowship with Christ? We do this by coming to His word and prayer directed by the Holy Spirit.

Christ longs to be with us and to make this fellowship possible, He didn't only die to bring us to the Father, He also sent His Spirit to live in us and to be with us. As we yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit, He will lead us into a life of intimacy with Christ, which is what fellowship brings about. If such a life is your desire, then you can't afford to ignore the invitation to fellowship with Christ.
