Thursday, August 30, 2018

The True Message of the Gospel

You and I have consistently heard words like this spoken at Christian gatherings: "There is a great potential locked up inside of you waiting for the right time to manifest."

As true as the  above statement may be, it is not the message of the gospel, and when such messages become the face of the gospel that is preached, as it sadly has become, a major error has occurred. The preponderance of such messages presented as the gospel explains why there is so much untransformed professors of faith because the message has become humanistic in nature. Only the cross has the power to transform, and only as the cross is preached can lives be transformed.

The gospel message has not changed, it remains what was handed down to us by the apostles: it is Christ crucified, buried, and Christ raised from the dead with the intent of bringing us to God. This is the message that the Holy Spirit will confirm whenever it is preached. When this becomes our message, we will see the hand of God move when it is preached.
