Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A Study of the Book of Ephesians

In studying the book of Ephesians, we can divide the six chapters into three segments, the first, we will call SIT(chapters 1-3); the second, we will call WALK (chapters 4-5); and the third, we will call STAND (chapter 6). SIT signifies our position in Christ, indicating that we do absolutely nothing to be in Christ, just as we exert no energy sitting down on a chair. WALK signifies our daily walk in Christ, showing us the things required of us in Christ. STAND signifies our call to warfare against the forces of the enemy deployed to oppose us in Christ.

Having said this, it is important that we take time to understand what it really means for us to be in Christ, because when it is not known, we tend not to grasp the enormity of what it means to be in Christ. In its simplest form, it means to be clothed in Christ, or better yet, to be enveloped in Christ. Being in Christ is an organic union with Christ that is total, we in Him and He in us. When we are in Christ, our merits cease to be the basis of our acceptance by God. God receives us based on what Christ accomplished on the cross. This also should not be mistaken to mean that God shuts His eyes to the wrongs we commit because we are in Christ. In fact, because He loves us, He will chaseten us when we do wrong. The book of Ephesians provides us with the clearest description of what it means to be positioned IN Christ. Each time we see the term, IN Him, we are being shown a particular benefit of our union with Christ. So in these series of articles, our focus will be to see what the bible says that we are, and what we have IN Christ. One interesting thing to note is that all that we are and have in Christ are expressed in the past tense. They are not going to happen in the future, they already happened, and it is ours.

BLESSED IN HIM: (Ephesians 1:3). God emptied His blessings available to mankind in Christ. He has nothing to offer anyone outside of Christ, yet we see that His sun shines on everyone, and His rain falls on both the just and the unjust. This is what is called God's common grace by which He sustains all life on earth. But these should not be understood as being equivalent to spiritual blessings, which are available only to those in Christ. This distinction is vital because some people who have the abundance of God's common graces here on earth are wont to mistake this for spiritual blessings.
In Adam, I was under a curse, but this has changed. I am now in Christ where there is no curse, because He was made a curse for my sake, so that the blessings of Abraham might be mine. Praise God!

CHOSEN IN HIM: (Ephesians 1:4). It is interesting to note that Israel was chosen in Abraham, the friend of God, but we are chosen in Christ, the Son of God. The bible makes clear that God chose Israel for Himself, and if this is true, how much then are we chosen for Him who are chosen in His Son, by the purchase of His blood which He shed on the cross for us.

Before I came to Christ, I was set aside for destruction, but in Christ, God has chosen me for Himself. Hallelujah!!! But what does it mean to be chosen in Christ? Does it mean that God decided before the foundation of the world that some people will be saved, called chosen, and others will be lost? This idea, if it is true, will make so many passages of scripture unrealistic. For example, if God chose before hand those who He wants to be saved, what will be the basis of John 3:16 which makes salvation available to anyone who will believe that God gave His only begotten Son, because He loved the world, not that He loved some people in the world whom He has chosen. The truth is that God chose a plan for the salvation of the world, and that plan is centered on His only begotten Son. All who accept this plan divine plan of salvation are called the chosen in Christ.
