Sunday, February 15, 2015

What is the Colour of Love?

Ever wondered why the color of love is red? Here's what I found out: It's a symbol of passionate and sacrificial love. Yes, love so intense and deep that it's willing to pay the ultimate price: death.

In your experience, who do you know that ever mirrors this kind of love? None that I know other than Jesus, the Son of God. For us it's because it's the symbol of the greatest show of the purest love ever witnessed by humanity. It's the love story between a pure God and a sinful humanity. It started in a beautiful garden called the Garden of Eden. In this place, God kept His eyes' apples, Adam and Eve, His very own image. He created them as objects and recipients of His love since no other creature had what it took to relate with God. With everything in place, the love affairs began. The love spark was kindled. However, it only lasted a while before the cold water of sin poured on it and Adam and Eve disobeyed God.

Now, what do you expect? That God should pack up and bid them goodbye? Never! Disappointed? Yes; wounded? Without doubt; but to back out or give up? No. Not with the intensity of the fire of love burning in His heart for man, His beloved treasure. He had a plan.

It would only take a few years for God to unfold His grand plan of redemption. As part of this grand plan, God's perfect and pure love would be packaged in the form of His sinless and only Son, Jesus, and released into the world through a virgin.

In the course of time, Jesus arrived the earth as the symbol of the purest and truest love man would ever know. Soon the love was at work in Him. under the intoxicating power of this love, Jesus went about doing good—teaching the word of life, healing, delivering, saving, feeding, restoring lives and shattered hopes (Acts 10:38). The fuel was the red hot love flowing from His heart. And then in the evening, He would retreat to His Father for a refueling. Then He was out again.

His final refueling was at the Upper Room. From there He moved out to the Garden of Gethsemane. After pouring a portion of it as a sweat of blood, He was arrested and led first to Anna's place. Next, to the High Priest's court and then to Pilate's where He was convicted. In between all these trips were the beatings and insults that seasoned this love trail. Love was pouring.

Then came the conviction to die on the cross. However, the journey to Golgotha—the place where the crucifixion would begin not without the appetizing deadly, flesh-piercing lashes in addition to the thorny crown driven into His skull. The love fuel was burning, the tank still being emptied. Then the cross on His shoulder and the embarrassing march through the streets of Jerusalem began. With every step came blood that dripped through the streets. Love was pouring.

Finally, Golgotha! As the heavy nails pierced through His flesh and bones, the love tank flattened. By the time Jesus was finally lifted up on the cross, His love meter was on "Reserve".

Next, the spear. As it struck His side and water and blood poured, the love tank was nearly empty. When, with all the energy He could muster He cried, "My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me" and "Father into thy hands I commend my spirit", Jesus emptied the last drop of His blood and poured out His love for the redemption of people so that we could once again be forgiven to enjoy the favor of God, the Father.

What would be your response to this amazing show of love? Two options: reject it, disparage it, scorn it and treat it and nothing and be lost forever, or accept it and treasure it as true and be saved for all eternity. The choice is yours. But listen to the verdict of God in John 3:16-18:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

If you're wise and you'll like to accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord, then pray this prayer from your heart, meaning every word:

Dear Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Savior of the world, and that you died to save me. I acknowledge my sins and ask You to forgive me of all of them. Wash me in Your blood and make me a new creature. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and let me serve You to the end. I declare You as my Savior and Lord from this day forward. Thank You Lord.

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