Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Voice from Heaven

My precious child,

I waited patiently for you to wake up this morning so that we could commune together, but to My great disappointment, you overslept. When you finally got up and realized that you were late for work, you began to rush. You then tried to avoid feeling guilty about not having your Quiet Time by singing spiritual songs at the top of your voice while in the bathroom.

While at work, you had several opportunities to talk to Me but you preferred to joke with your colleagues and read the newspapers instead. Although I was hurt, I tried to make excuses for you. Immediately work was over, you literally ran out of the office and on getting home, you ate a rather heavy meal, watched T.V. and slept off.

I tried to remind you that you had not prayed or read your Bible today, but you believed you were too tired to do anything else but sleep. Yet it was last Sunday in church that you had prayed for the guidance to make headway in life. How could you receive such guidance without spending time with Me?

I then caused the moonlight to fall on your face and again, waited patiently for you to wake up. Once again, I am saying to you arise, "Awake, time no more!"

With love,
Jesus Christ

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