Sunday, October 14, 2012

Precious Faith

Our faith is valuable, important and should not be wasted and it is precious to God and to us (2 Peter 1:1). Our faith cost God something He could not pay twice. God watched His Son go through agony so that He could give us the previous faith. Psalm 22 gives a mental picture of the agony that Christ actually went through. For this reason, we should be slave to Jesus. Each time we walk in faith, God sees the pain his Son suffered.

Arguably, it is not only God who is interested in our faith. The devil and his cohorts are also interested in our faith. They want us to lose our faith since our faith is a threat to their kingdom. There is a need for us to hold fast our faith. This is because our faith will bring us hope for the eternal bliss:
Your faith and love continue because you know what is waiting for you in heaven—the hope you have had since you first heard the true message, the Good News that was told to you (ERV, Colossians 1:5).
Our faith brings us commendation from God:
 My life is being given as an offering for God. The time has come for me to leave this life here. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have served the Lord faithfully. Now, a prize is waiting for me—the crown that will show I am right with God. The Lord, the judge who judges rightly, will give it to me on that Day. Yes, he will give it to me and to everyone else who is eagerly looking forward to his coming (ERV, 2 Timothy 4:6-8).
Again, as the coming of Christ draws nearer, we need to hold fast on our most precious faith. Jesus Christ is not coming for a struggling church but for a conquering church. We are ready when the world can no more accommodate us. Nowadays, the world has become churchly and the church worldly. Victory is guaranteed when we walk in the word.

Prophetic Word: "God is not going to change the hard times but He can change man in hard times."

*This message was preached by Pastor Toni Ogobegwu on October 16, 2005.