Saturday, July 28, 2012

What Do you Eat?

Over the years, very many people have died prematurely or suffered various deformities due to either wrong food intake or unhealthy eating habits. A great philosopher once said, "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food." Those who don't know this truth have spent all they have on synthetic drugs which could be dangerous to the body. You must have heard of the saying that health is wealth. This means that before you think of your wealth, you should think first of your health. Here are some tips on healthy eating habit and general healthy living:
  1. Always eat a balanced diet—complex carbohydrates, plant protein, oil, etc;
  2. Eat fluid food or juice as breakfast;
  3. Chew well before you swallow the food;
  4. Don't drink too much water while eating;
  5. Don't drink more than a glass of water at 20 minutes intervals;
  6. Always rinse your mouth after drinking a glass of juice or eating;
  7. Don't drink very cold water;
  8. Don't over eat;
  9. Eat slowly;
  10. Avoid sprinkling table salt on your food before eating;
  11. Eat plenty of raw food and very little of cooked food;
  12. Eat a lot of fiber or roughages;
  13. Don't eat under stress
  14. Combine your food properly – don't take protein, sugar, milk, fruits and vegetables, all in one meal;
  15. Don't go to bed immediately after meal;
  16. Avoid junk food – biscuits, chocolates, mince-pie, etc;
  17. Avoid too much snacks, fatty food, red meat, ice creams, salad creams, food additives, food colorants, soft drinks, black coffee, red wine, alcohol;
  18. Avoid eating and watching the TV at the same time;
  19. Always eat together as a family;
  20. Make water your favorite;
  21. Don't eat too late at night;
  22. Don't smoke at all;
  23. Eat enough fruits daily;
  24. Exercise moderately;
  25. Don't exercise immediately after meal;
  26. Sleep well at regular time;
  27. Receive adequate sunshine;
  28. Enjoy life by always making yourself happy;
  29. Be friendly;
You see, even if you're so careful in following these tips on healthy living, the truth is that it might not enhance much of your spiritual health; and even if it does, you'll still die, though not prematurely. In Matt. 4:4, Jesus says that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. This means that God didn't design our bodies to be sustained only by the physical food. The reason being that man is both physical and spiritual. Your spiritual health is much more important than the physical. If you're very careful in keeping all the tips, you would probably live for perhaps, 80 or a little more, and then die because the Bible says that it's appointed unto men once to die. (Heb. 9:27) If you didn't have Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, all you would enjoy would be only those few fleeting years of your sojourn on earth and then went to hell. Don't you think it wise to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior so that when you must have finished with this life, you'll have a more quality life– the everlasting life that Jesus will give those who believe in Him? (John 3:16)

To receive Christ as your Lord and Savior, pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. Have mercy on me. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins on the cross and was raised for my justification. I do now receive and confess Him as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving my soul. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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