Saturday, July 28, 2012

Where are you Going?

Saul was a young lawyer, fully conversant with the Jewish laws. He was devout, and would stop at nothing to defend his religion. One day, he went to the high priest and demanded a permission to go to Damascus in order to kill the followers of Jesus Christ.
As he approached the city, something happened: a light from heaven shone round about him. He fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"
"Who are you, Lord?" He asked.
"I am Jesus whom you persecute", answered the voice.
"What will you have me to do?" Saul asked fearfully.
The voice answered him and said, "Arise and go into the city and you will be told what to do." (Acts 9, KJV)

Immediately, Saul was led into the city by those who traveled with him. There was a man named Ananias whom the Lord had appointed to pray for him so that he could recover his sight. After his conversion, Saul was baptized and his name was changed to Paul, who eventually became a renowned preacher of the Gospel.

You too might be like Saul, well learned, and fully conversant with your faith. You might be full with energies engaging yourself in so many activities which you think would give God pleasure. You may even be an ardent hater of those who are not attuned to your faith. Just like Saul, you may be sincerely wrong.

It's no exaggeration to say that Saul believed in God and perhaps, loved Him. In fact, it was his passion for God that made him go to the city of Damascus to kill those who would not please God. You too may be on the same mission innocently. But listen to what Jesus said of Himself: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6, KJV)

This is exactly what Jesus said, and Saul later came to know that it was true: no man can do anything to please the Almighty God except such a man has Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. No matter how much money you give to the poor; how many selfless services you render to people; how many times you pray in a day; how much energy you exert to get people know the ways of Jehovah; or how many infidels you kill to win more virgins, if you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you're going on the wrong way, and God doesn't accept you or your work. The Bible says that you're on the way to condemnation because you've rejected the gift of God—Jesus Christ. (John 3:18)

Your works, if at all they're good, are mere works of righteousness which can't save you (Titus 3:5). The Bible says, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16, KJV)

My friend, it will be sad for you to exert all your energies, time and resources to work for God, yet you don't get His approval. Perhaps, you don't believe in the existence of God at all, let alone working to please Him. May be you've committed too many atrocities and you think that God wouldn't accept you anymore. Well, I have Good News for you: it's never too late. Remember the story of Saul. He was a murderer and self-opinionated, but he was transformed. Such could be your story only if you'll ask the same question Saul asked, "Lord what will you have me to do?" It doesn't matter how far you've gone on your mission. There's a Chinese proverb which says that no matter how far you've gone on a strange road you can still go back. Saul didn't continue on his journey when he discovered that he was on the wrong way, and that singular decision to change his course changed his life. The Bible says, There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Pro. 14:12, KJV)

Let me ask you again, "Where are you going?" Is Jesus where you're going to? Now that you've known that you can't please the Almighty God by mere works of righteousness without Jesus, I suggest that you go on your knees right now and ask Jesus to forgive you, and come into your heart and become your personal Lord and Savior so that you can win God's approval. God bless you as you make this decision.

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