Saturday, December 11, 2021

Abraham the Hebrew

A Teaching with Apostle Toni
Text: Abraham the Hebrew
Ref: Genesis 14:13-15

Since there was no State of Israel then, Abraham was addressed as the Hebrew, the man from the other side of the river (because he crossed the River Euphrates to get to Canaan); the pilgrim, the stranger. 

Like Abraham, we have been called from the world. Canaan was a new experience for Abraham. We are called out people to be a holy (different) people. When Abraham got to Canaan, he raised an altar to the living God. That was the place for his communion with God. We don't have to set up any altar now because we are the altar of God (Romans 12:1-5). 

Abraham put the world behind him. He looked up to God. He was able to put the world behind him because of where he was looking for-- eternity. Abraham was looking for a city built by God. Abraham lived in tents because he was ready to move at any time. 

Those that  are looking for eternity don't entangle themselves with the affairs of this life. Whatever you receive from Jesus will inspire you to follow Him. Jesus has gone to prepare that city for us (John 14:1). 

The sad thing is that many children of God have their hearts hooked on to the things of this world. Like Lot's wife, these are the things that will stop the from being raptured. Don't allow what you're doing now to be the reason why you are alive. Your life should be for a higher purpose.

Although Abraham messed up (in the case of lying and going into a maid), God didn't rebuke him because He saw where his heart was. God sees where our hearts are. Abraham broke the bridge that connected him to the world and we must do the same.
Abraham honoured God deliberately. We must serve God deliberately. Abraham knew that this life isn't forever. Unfortunately, we have formed our own God in our image and likeness. This is why we always expect God to do our biddings. 

Food for Thought
 1.  Can people call you a man or woman from the other side (a different person)?
 2. Can they call you the man from Hebrew; a person that is called out?
 3. Are there some things that entangle you with the world?
 4. Like Jesus, can the devil say, "I find nothing in him"?
 5. Are you looking for a city built by God or man.

My friend, the worst thing that can happen to a man is to finish from this earth and misses eternity. Repent now!