Monday, January 3, 2022

For me, to Live is Christ

A Teaching with Apostle Toni
Text: For me, to Live is Christ
Reference: Philippians 1:21

Paul understood the importance of serving the Lord. This is why he came to a conclusion that to him, to live was Jesus (Philippians 1:21). 

Paul saw his achievements in the world as dung. It is strange to God that man has had an encounter with life but he still walks as a dead man; man has had an encounter with light but he still walks on darkness. 

Paul knew that he couldn't walk by his strength. That is why he asked the Lord what he should do during his encounter. Whatever Jesus will have you do will take you to the end.

The import of Paul's statement in our text is that Christ had become the air he breathed. That means without Christ, he was as good as dead.  The song below vividly captures the essence of Paul's statement:

Make me your vessel,
Make me an offering,
Make me whatever you want me to be.

God I came here with nothing,
But all that you have given me.

To be God's vessel is to be a carrier of God. To be an offering is to be a living sacrifice to be poured out to God. Life is not what we want to be; it's about what God wants us to be. Paul knew that he came here with nothing. That's the truth for all of us.

Prayer Point:
Lord fill me and make me whatever you want me to be.