Sunday, October 10, 2021

Following Jesus

By: Apostle Toni

References: Luke 9:1

We meet Jesus at the Cross and we must continue to follow Him. Jesus is on a motion. Coming to Jesus is different from going after Him. When we come to Him, we come as we are. To come to Jesus, one must continuously

 1. Deny Self: This is to renounce self. When self is on the throne, Jesus is out! Vengeance is the rule of natural person. Self loves itself and has no business with the Kingdom affairs. To deny self is to allow God to control your life, not self. When you renounce self, you allow God to control your life. We cannot follow Jesus and self at the same time. Whatever room we give to self is the room we take from God. We cannot serve masters. We will either love one and despise the other.

 2. Take up His Cross Daily: The cross means death not just daily inconveniences. The way of the Cross is the way of death. Without carrying our Cross daily, we can't share in the glory of Christ eternally. The early apostle understood what it meant to take up their cross daily. No wonder they accepted death at the expense of Christ.

 3. Follow Him: To follow Jesus is to go the same direction with Him. To follow Jesus is to do His will not our self will.