Friday, February 5, 2021

Jesus will Judge all Men

And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of manJohn 5:27

Jesus will judge the world in His capacity as the Son of man, not as the Son of God. In this capacity as Son of man, Jesus will be judging the world as a man who has been through life as a man. No one can accuse Him of not understanding what it means to be a man. He was tempted in all ways that people in a broken world are tempted, but without sin. Like all men, He suffered hunger, was tired, and in need. As a man, Jesus experienced everything that men in the flesh go through, but without sin. He qualifies, more than anyone, to be the judge of men.

Since you and I will one day stand before Him in judgment, will it not be wise that we all make peace with Him now before that dreadful day comes when we can't do so? But you may say that you don't believe that Jesus will seat as judge over you. My response is simple, a deaf man may not believe that there's sound, but that does not mean that there is no sound. What we believe or don't believe does not annul reality. Someday, reality will stare us in the face. 
