Friday, January 22, 2021

The Wise Groom

And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. John 2:2

This groom was wise; he knew enough to include Jesus on his guest list. Is Jesus on your guest list? We can't be too careful in the things of life. There are those times when the unplanned contingency happens. At such times, the need for a supernatural intervention becomes apparent. And at such times, having Jesus on your guest list solves a lot of problems. 

But observe that Jesus was there because He was invited. Have you put His name on your guest list? He will not come uninvited. And inviting Him is a simple thing: by faith, acknowledge that He died on the cross for you and that God raised Him from the dead. But you may further observe that Jesus did nothing about the wine until He was told that the wine had finished. In the same way, though Jesus may be in your life by invitation, yet, He will only act when you tell Him about the issues troubling you. 

So, the mother of Jesus told Him about the finished wine. When you do this, you can rest assured that He will honour your invitation. Inviting Jesus to his wedding feast was a very prudent things that the groom did, and it will be the same for you too.
