Friday, January 29, 2021

Salvation is of the Jews

Ye worship ye know not what:  we know what we worship:  for salvation is of the Jews. John 4:22

This verse is traceable to the Abrahamic covenant that established the Jewish nation. By this covenant, the Jews became the means through which God gave His word and the Messiah to the world. It is in this sense that salvation is of the Jews. And it is because of this that the devil hates the Jews and has been doing everything in his power to eradicate them from the earth. 

In his thinking, if he succeeds in annihilating the Jews, he would have succeeded in aborting the plan of God in sending to the world a Messiah through whom the kingdom of God would be established. In Genesis 3:15, the seed of the woman is promised who will bruise the head of the devil. This seed of the woman will be a descendant of Abraham in His humanity. If it were possible to eradicate the Jewish nation, then, the devil's judgment would be stayed from execution, and humanity would remain enslaved to Satan forever. But thanks to God, this cannot happen because He protects Israel. 
