Friday, March 27, 2020

What does the Bible Say about all of these?

I promised to do a write up on where all of these are leading up to. So, here it is. I hope it ministers to you.

As the world woke to the coronavirus, I find many people asking different questions, and different people preferring different answers, I thought it appropriate, being a bible believer, to see what the bible has said about the time we are in, and where this time is leading the world to. Naturally, the Olive discuss, and the book of Revelation were my immediate stop points.

Unlike what is vastly believed, Matthew 24 does not address so much of present day events, even though some of its verses enable us to understand where the world is headed for. A careful reader will observe that in most of this chapter, Jesus was addressing purely Jewish questions that have their roots in Old Testament prophets, especially the prophecy of Daniel. Jesus' teachings concerned the close of age, a time period generally known as the Tribulation period.

The Emergence of a World Leader 

During this time, the earth will be under the judgment of God like no other time since it was created. There will be events around the world that will so challenge the leadership of the world that they will look for a saviour who can make sense of the tumultuous happenings. According to Revelation 13, a man, called the Beast, will emerge, who will demand to be worshipped (Revelation13:15), he will be empowered by satan, the dragon. He will exhibit supernatural skills and abilities in managing a world that is falling apart from the judgements of God.

Governments of nations will willingly surrender the sovereignty of their nations to his authority (Revelation 16:13), and the inhabitants of the world will celebrate him as their saviour. Life on earth will be so bad that personal freedom will not be high in the agenda of most people, what will matter to them at time will be mere survival. Because of the judgments being poured out upon the world, everything that supports life, which people had taken for granted, will be in scarce supply. The world will experience food rationing necessitating the need for what is known as the mark of the beast '666' (Revelation 6:6); portable water scarcity (Revelation 8:11); aquatic life destroyed (Revelation 8:8-9); plant life destroyed (Revelation 8:7); suffocation (Revelation 7:1-2); and many other adversities that will befall the earth. It will be a fearful time for the earth's dwellers.

For the first time in modern history, the world has had a peep into what the future will be like in the day when God will pour out His wrath upon the world. But the good news is that before all of these catastrophic events begin to unfold, the true children of God will be taken out of here. Abraham said to God in Genesis 18:25, "That be far from thee... to slay the righteous with the wicked... Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" Because God will do right,  He will not judge the righteous with the wicked, therefore, He will deliver the righteous (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) and reserve the wicked for the day of His wrath.

The good news is that you can escape from that day of the outpouring of God's wrath upon the world by turning to Jesus today. That day of the vengeance of God against a Christ- rejecting world, I believe, may not be too far from us, so decide quickly. God bless you.
