Friday, March 8, 2019


Pharaoh said, “Lazy, that’s what you are—lazy! That is why you keep saying, ‘Let us go and sacrifice to the Lord.’ Exodus 5:17 | NIV

Pharaoh concluded that the people were lazy because they were asking to be allowed to go and offer sacrifice to the Lord. In the world, they are wont to think the same way too. When a person answers to the call of God upon his life, the world mistakes it for laziness on his part. It is however true that there are some people who come into ministry because they have nothing else to do, but this is not so for many in ministry. Some of us left what the world is fighting life and death to acquire to answer to the call of God.

Some years ago, a friend told me of what an old classmate said upon hearing that I was in the ministry. According to him, I had joined the lazy man's vocation. I laughed upon hearing it because I left the university along with him with a second class upper division, when he struggled through with a second class lower division.  What such people forget is that leaving everything to answer the call of God is the most challenging decision that a gainfully engaged man can make. Yet the world calls it lazy. Are you called to serve God? Responding to that call may be misunderstood by the world for laziness, but when you count what it cost you to answer the call of God, such considerations of the world won't cause you any distress.
