Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Sovereignty of the Holy Spirit

John 3:6-8

The bible uses the wind to illustrate to us what is meant by the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit. Of all the things in nature, nothing comes near the character of the Holy Spirit like the wind. The wind, in a limited sense, is sovereign. By this it is meant that nothing in nature has power to control the wind. It goes where it wants, and does what it likes. In like manner, the Holy Spirit is sovereign, He does what He wants, and can't be controlled by anyone.

Having said this, it is important to know that though the wind cannot be controlled, yet we can, by understanding some things about it, get it to help us get our works done. Those who know how the wind works can utilise its strength in getting their works done. In the same way, those who know some things about the Holy Spirit, and how He works, can get Him to help them in whatever they are assigned. So what are those things about the Holy Spirit, and how He works, that will enable us receive His help to do what we have been assigned?

First, we have to know that He hates to be grieved. Knowing this,  we will then to know those things that grieve Him. Next, we will need to know that He is gentle, and therefore will not force Himself upon anyone. Knowing this, we will then deliberately surrender our will to Him. Another thing that we will need to know about the Holy Spirit is that He doesn't do our will, He does only His own will, therefore, if anyone desires to receive help from Him,such a person must be willing to say, "Not my will, but Your will be done."
