Friday, October 12, 2018

Our Precious Faith

Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. Romans 5:2

Faith in Christ bestows upon us privileges that we are entirely unworthy of. For example,  we are made one with God; brought into union with His only begotten Son; become partakers of God's divine nature; adopted into the family of God; imputed with the righteousness of God; equally love by the Father as the Son; seated together in Christ Jesus in the heavenly places; authorized to represent the kingdom of God on the earth; finally, we shall behold Jesus face to face in glory. And these are not exhaustive of the benefits of being in Christ. 

No wonder the apostle Peter called it precious faith. And if it is precious, then we must hold fast to it. Since it is precious, the enemy of our soul will diligently seek to corrupt it and make it of no effect. When he is allowed to succeed, our faith will become of no worth, both to us and the kingdom of God, then it will be like salt which has lost its flavour. 
Satan's target is our faith because he knows that without it, we cannot please God, therefore, he does everything in his power to corrupt our faith even if he is not able to take it away from us. He tried this against Peter, but the Lord helped him. According to Peter, Satan goes about seeking to devour us, but the antidote to this attack is faith. So you see, our faith is precious and must be groomed to grow and preserved. 
