Friday, September 7, 2018

Jesus the Same Yesterday, today and Forever

Hebrews 13:8

As you read the gospel accounts about Jesus, it will be greatly helpful that you bear this truth in mind, that Jesus of the gospel accounts is the same Jesus of today. What this means is that where, for example, Jesus said in the gospel, 'I will,' He is saying the same right now. If He willed to heal two thousand years ago, He wills to heal today also. He is unchanging. If He multiplied bread two thousand years ago to meet a need, He will do what is needed to meet a need today. If the need is for deliverance from satanic oppression, you know He did it before, therefore, you know He can do it again. As a man, He drove demons out by the authority of His words; today, He will do it again, but this time, by His authority invested in those who believe in Him.

The method may defer, but the objective end is always the same: He wills to do us good. People change with time, but not so with Jesus, time has no power to change Him.

What is your need? All you need to do is verify that Jesus did that for someone before, then trust Him to do it for you. He is the same!
