Tuesday, August 7, 2018

God Wants to Speak to All

Go thou near, and hear all that the LORD our God shall say: and speak thou unto us all that the LORD our God shall speak unto thee; and we will hear it, and do it. Deuteronomy 5:27 

Up until now, there are people in the church who have this mindset of the Israelites; they look to a gifted person who will hear from God, and tell them what God is saying to them. But unknown to them, their position in God is different from that of the Israelites who were under an inferior covenant. This is an unhealthy practice because it sets some in the body of Christ in a privileged position that is not consistent with the New Testament teachings.

God desires to speak to all of His children, but sadly, not all of His children are ready to hear Him speak to them, preferring, rather, to be spoken to by those who they adjudge as spiritual. This is not to say that God does not sometimes speak to His children through other people, but this is not the norm. Jesus said in John chapter ten, "My sheep hears My voice." By this Jesus made clear that, as the Shepherd, He speaks to the hearing of His sheep; it is the responsibility of the sheep to recognize the voice of the Shepherd and respond to Him. This is only possible as the sheep delights to be in the presence of the Shepherd. Outside of this delighting to be in the presence of the Shepherd, no manner of intimacy can be cultivated, without intimacy, it will be difficult recognizing the voice of the Shepherd.

Jesus ordained twelve apostles, that they might be with Him, and that He might send them to represent Him in the affairs of the kingdom. We can't fail to become familiar with the voice of the Shepherd when we cultivate a delight for His presence.

I have on YouTube a series on the subject of identifying the voice of God, if you can, visit our channel, Toniakose, to watch the videos.
