Saturday, October 4, 2014

Spirit of Truth versus Spirit of Error

"We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error" (1 John 4:6).

As you read this tract, it is essential for you to find out which of these spirits you are controlled by, for that will determine your destination at the end of your life's journey as everyone is being influenced either by the Spirit of Truth from above or the Spirit of Error from the Deceiver.

The Spirit of Truth is the Spirit of the living God which leads the saints of God into all truth as stated by Christ in John 16:13 while the Spirit of Error from the Devil is an antichrist spirit making people either to contradict the word of God or oppose it [either intentionally or unintentionally] or to deviate from it. We are clearly shown in 1 John 4:6 quoted above how we can know (a) whether we truly know God or are of God and (b) whether we are being controlled by the Spirit of Truth or the Spirit of Error. It is most essential to ascertain whether we are of God or we are not (2 Peter 1:10) and whether we are being controlled or influenced by the right or wrong spirit. St. John, by the Holy Spirit, gives us a clue: He that knoweth God heareth us [the Apostles of Christ]; he that is not of God does not hear us [the Apostles of Christ].

This Scripture is very simple but so easily and dangerously overlooked. We often hear Christians ignorantly making such statements as these: is it the apostles you should believe or CHRIST? The apostles were wrong, Jesus is right, and so on. It needs to be realized that John did not say, "He that knoweth God heareth the Catholics or the Baptists or the Anglicans or the Pentecostals or the evangelical ministries but he said, "Heareth us" [the Apostle of Jesus Christ].

Everyone of us can hereby judge ourselves by how much we can receive and believe the Apostles and follow their teachings if we cannot, it simply proves that we are not of God no matter how religious we are, or we are under the influence of the Spirit of Error and we therefore need deliverance for if we know the truth, the truth shall make us free (John 8:32).

The Lord Jesus Christ in Luke 10:16 said, "He that heareth you [the Apostles of Christ] heareth Me and he that despiseth Me despiseth Him that sent Me." In John 8:47 He said, "He that is of God heareth God's word; ye therefore hear them not because you are not of God."

Now my brothers and sisters, you have got to realize that the Apostles' teachings are the yardstick for you and me to know whether or not we are true followers of Christ or whether we are deceiving ourselves or we have been deceived by our system of denomination or evangelical group. Paul the Apostle put a CURSE upon WHOSOEVER [be it an Evangelist, General Overseer, Bishop, Archbishop, Pope, Founder, Pastor, Prophet, etc.] teaches or preaches contrary to what they [the Apostles of Christ] have preached (Galatians 1:8-9). Note that he did not say that he that preaches any other doctrine other than that preached by our denomination should be accursed. The Apostles' doctrine therefore is the absolute for every Christian. Believe and do them and you shall save your soul (1 Timothy 4:16). Reject them and you shall die.

If I were you, I would stop along my Christian journey now and think and consider to STOP being deceived by blind leaders of the blind (Matthew 15:14) who are not interested in my soul's welfare but just what they might gain from me; I would take time to compare my church doctrines with that of the Apostles of Christ.

Anything that is not the truth is simply an error. If what you believe is not perfectly in agreement with the written word of God, it is AN ERROR that is motivated by the devil. Let us consider a few of these teachings:

No Scripture teaches that there are three Gods or three Gods in one [trinity]. This is an ERROR and is motivated by the spirit of idolatry from the bottomless pit through Rome. No prophet or apostle of Christ ever taught that this teaching came into the church not in the bible days but in 325 A.D. There is no single Scripture of God being three in one. It is your interpretation that breaks God into three. No single Jew can believe such an idolatrous teaching for they have been rightly taught by Moses their prophet in Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear o Israel the Lord our God is ONE LORD" [Not two, or three, or three-in-one].

JEHOVAH OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IS JESUS CHRIST OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Very soon now the Jews who believe in only ONE GOD [the Messiah] will come to realize that the Person they crucified was their Messiah and they will mourn and repent for it and God will forgive them and the whole nation will be born again in one day. Then it will be too late for the Gentiles who are arguing about the Godhead now to repent and receive Him as the only true God. Read Zechariah 12:10-14 prayerfully and realize it is JEHOVAH God speaking there. And when was Jehovah pierced if it was not when he was on the cross as the Son of God (John 19:34-37)? In Isaiah 9:6, Jesus Christ is referred to as the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.

If you don't fully believe these, you are in error and need to repent. In Isaiah 43:11, Jehovah said that beside Him, there is no Savior or Redeemer. Who is the Savior or Redeemer? In Matthew 1:23, Jesus Christ is called Emmanuel which means God or Jehovah with us. In John 1:14, the Word [God] was made flesh called Jesus Christ, the Son of God and in John 8:56-59, Jesus Christ is the I AM, same One that spoke to Moses in Exodus 3:13.

Without controversy, Jesus Christ the Lord God manifested in the flesh (1 Tim 3:16). Jesus Christ is the Almighty God (Revelation 1:8). How many almightiness can there be? Only one! God purchased the church with His own blood (Acts 20:28). When did God shed His blood for us if not on the cross? Again, in John 14:9, Jesus said, "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father." These are by no means the only Scriptures dealing with this important subject. You can contact us for more information.

You are surely deceived by Rome if you continue to hold on to your three-in-one God. Believe it or not, Jesus Christ is the Almighty God. He said if you don't believe I am He (the Messiah, God in human flesh), you will die in your sins (John 8:24).

DANGER: If you have taught and/or believed the doctrine of Trinity as three separate gods, you will perish if you don't repent, confess, and believe [keep believing] and accept Jesus as the visible image of the invisible God. It is only the truth that can set you free!

If you believe the concept of Trinity to mean one and the same God revealed in the God-Man, Jesus Christ, but erroneously or theologically teach others as three separate gods, you will not perish if you have believed [and keep believing] and accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. However, you must tell them the truth so that you will not be judged for misleading others. It is only the truth that can make people free!

This is not joining a church. You can join one hundred churches, burn candles every day and night, recite the so-called Apostles' Creed, keep the Sabbath day holy, sing in a robed choir and still go to hell.

You must turn away from your sins and receive Jesus Christ into your heart. You CANNOT see the Kingdom of God if you are not born again. You can do that NOW! Not until a Reverend Father prays for you. Jesus Christ is the One and only Mediator between God and man. You can go to Him directly and confess your sins (1 John 2:1, 1 Timothy 2:5); not through a Bishop, Reverend Father or Sister or even Mary (1 John 1:9-10) but through Christ Jesus (Amen).

DANGER: If you are very religious, pious and devout to your denominational doctrines without true repentance, you will perish if you don't repent, confess, and believe [keep believing] and accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.

There is only ONE Scriptural baptism: baptism by immersion in the NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST after repentance (Ephesians 4:5). Every other way is simply wrong, uninspired, ungodly, not scriptural and erroneous! If you have been "baptized" when you were an infant, you need to go back for the true baptism when you are old enough to recognize your sins and you have repented from them (Acts 2:38). There is nothing called infant baptism in the Bible!

If you were sprinkled with water or a sign of the cross was made on your forehead, you have not been baptized at all. NO ONE was baptized like that in the Bible. Baptism means immersion: burial in water (Romans 6:1-7).

If your baptism was in titles of Father, Son, Holy Ghost you must be re-baptized in THE NAME OF LORD JESUS CHRIST. The Apostles used that NAME (Acts 2:38-41 Acts 8:12 & 16, Acts 10:48, Acts 19:1-5, Colossians 3:17, etc.). Not one person was ever baptized in titles of Father, Son Holy Ghost but THOUSANDS were baptized in the name of JESUS CHRIST when the true church started and thereafter.

Don't get me wrong here! The name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:19) is the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence, the Apostles used the name, not just His authority, as some disobedient preachers interpret it, but HIS NAME. God doesn't need you to interpret His word. He simply wants you to BELIEVE IT and live (1 John 4:6). Therefore, if your baptism differs from that of the apostles, it is being motivated by the Spirit of Error and is ready to be judged by Christ whose name you have denied and rejected.

Again, all such baptismal and enquiries classes [all those oral and written examinations before baptism] could be mere exercise and not scriptural. God only calls repentance and belief in the name of Jesus as a requirement for baptism (Acts 2:28-41, Acts. 8:12 & 38, Acts 10:48, Acts 16:33, 19:15). I want you to know that if you have been baptized [even by immersion] and you have neither repented of your sins nor believed and accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will die in your sin and go to hell! Baptism is only meaningful after conviction, repentance and acceptance of Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.

Preachers who cast out devils in Jesus Christ's name, heal the sick and raise the dead in that Name but reject that Name in baptism are doing God's in work in iniquity and are liable to rejection (Matthew 7:22-23). Repent before it is too late because God is no respecter persons.

DANGER: If you have been baptized as an infant or an adult by any other way other than by immersion, you will not perish if you have believed [and keep believing] and accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. However, you need to be re-baptized by immersion to publicly show that you have shared in the death and resurrection of Jesus. 

If you have been baptizing infants or adults by any other way other than by immersion, you will not perish if you have believed [and keep believing] and accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. However, you must repent and begin to baptize Biblically so that you will not be rebuked and termed a "worker of iniquity".

If you have been baptized by immersion after attending Baptismal Classes without conviction, repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you will still perish if you don't repent, confess your sins, and believe [and keep believing] and accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. Baptism alone cannot save you.

This is what the Lord Jesus said must be done to remember His death and it must be done (a) at the right time (b) in the right way and (c) by the right people [people who are in Christ] (1 (Corinthians 13:13).

It is an error to observe it in the morning or afternoon (Deuteronomy 16:1-7, Luke 22:14, Mark 14:17, 1 Corinthians 11: 23). It was always observed in the night or evening. Hence, it is called the Lord's Supper and not Lord's Breakfast or Lunch and it must be observed with unleavened bread specially baked for that occasion and not the white round wafers symbolizing the Roman sun-god and it should also be observed with wine which represents the blood of Jesus Christ and not the taking of Tree-Top, Black Currant or Coke.

DANGER: If you have been giving or taking the Lord's Supper as Breakfast or Lunch with other substances other than bread and wine, you will not perish if you have believed [and keep believing] and accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. However, it is wise for you to obey the Scripture so that the essence of the Holy Communion will not be lost and then you'll be judged.

If you have been taking the Lord's Supper unworthily [hungrily as any other food shared at home or in the public], you will not perish if you have believed [and keep believing] and accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. However, you will be guilty of sinning against the body and the blood of the Lord (1 Corinthians 11:27).

If you have been taking the Lord's Supper as an unbeliever [even at the right time and with the right substance], you will perish if you don't repent, confess your sins, and believe [and keep believing] and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Communion alone cannot save you!

Nowadays, we see women being ordained as priests, pastors or preachers. We hear of Reverend Mrs Xxx and Lady Evangelist Xxx. Whoever heard of such in the Scriptures? "Search the scripture", Said Jesus, "for in them ye think ye have eternal life." Paul put a curse on whoever preaches contrary to what he and the other apostles taught (Galatians 1:8-9). He said women should keep silent in the churches especially when it comes to the ministration of the Word no matter how spiritual anybody thinks she is (1 Corinthians 14:34-38, 1Timothy 2:11-12). He said the Law [i.e. the Old Testament Law which never even permitted any woman priest] also says the same thing (1 Corinthians 14:34). The Old and New Testament prophetesses simply brought the THUS SAITH THE LORD by divine inspiration but were never ordained to minister the Word as priests do. Today, the spirit of Laodicea (the people's right) has entered into the church thereby making Christian woman to be like their counterparts in the world crying for "women liberation" and the Evangelists and General Overseers allowing that don't know they are under the power of women instead of the Spirit of God and that they are being misled by the Spirit of Error and Delusion.

DANGER: As a woman, you will not perish if you have believed [and keep believing] and accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. However, it is wise that you obey the Scripture so that you will not be judged. You don't have to be ordained as anything to preach Christ. It is a commission to all Christians.

If you are or have been under the authority of an ordained woman in your denomination, you will not perish if you have believed [and keep believing] and accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. However, it is wise to point out the error so that you will not be judged.

If you have ordained a woman or women as anything and put men under their authority, you will not perish if you have believed [and keep believing] and accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. However, it is wise that you stop such NOW so that the devil will not lure more to join the world system and be judged.

The last warning to this adulterous and wayward generation has sounded. The midnight cry has been going on: "Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him" (Matthew 25:6). Now is the lamp-trimming time; now is the time that the token (the Holy Ghost) must be truly applied. Is there oil in your lamp? Is your lamp burning? If the Holy Ghost dwells in you, you will be able to identify the voice of God in this generation calling the people of God back to the WORD (Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 17:11) and calling them out of bondage of denominational systems and evangelical groups all heading up to the so-called World Council of Churches which deny the unadulterated teachings of our forefathers in the faith: the Apostles and Prophets (Revelation 18:4).

Such a question was asked on the day of Pentecost (Acts. 2:37). Brother or sister, the only thing you can do is to MAKE EVERY WRONG RIGHT.

(i) Repent genuinely from your sins [UNBELIEF and all its attributes] and confess them to the only Mediator [CHRIST] and receive Him into your heart.
(ii) Be baptized scripturally [by immersion in water in the name of Jesus Christ] or re-baptize in this Name if you have done it any other way before or as an infant (Acts 19:1-7).
(iii) Ask God sincerely for His Holy Ghost which will lead you into ALL truth.
(iv) If your denominations won't believe God's unadulterated Word that they might be washed, God's voice is calling unto you to come out of her and walk with Him alone (Revelation 18:4).

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