Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Need for Decision

Today I will like to share with us an area of our life that is most often not looked at with the seriousness it deserves: it is the need for decision. Many people want things to change for them in life but have failed in one vital area: they haven’t yet decided to change things. Deciding to do a thing must not be mistaken for contemplation or wish; this is what most people do; they keep contemplating and wishing but to decide is to give contemplation the force of execution. Things don’t just happen because we wish them to; the process of change begins at the point when we make up our minds that things must change. Sadly, many who want to see change occur in their lives have not made up their minds on the matter of change: they are undecided. To decide is to bring into play the mighty resource of your willpower to move in a specific direction. To anticipate change without a decision will be like a woman wants to give birth but does not want to be pregnant. Indecision is responsible for all stagnation that people experience in life.
This is a truth that is unknown to many and so when stagnation occurs, they look for someone or a devil to blame. Moving from where you are now to the next place in life requires a definite decision and until that is done nothing may change and no one but you can make this happen. Where you want your life to head; what you want it to be like; and how you want it to be, all depend on one vital thing: a decision. Today, it is my intension to provoke you into making that decision that will instigate change in your life, so as to check any possibility of stagnation occurring in any area of your life. Tomorrow will be like today if no decision is made today. I am sure that you have been praying for God to cause things to get better for you and that is wonderful, but the truth is that even God cannot do anything until you decide that it is time to change. The greatest decision in life comes from the place of acquaintance with God; He does not only inspire courage to make the decision, He also inspires great ideas upon which decisions are made. So, link up with Him today in fellowship and experience the great force of change.