Sunday, September 9, 2012

Life and Purpose

When the divine intervention occurs it brings about purpose. Your life is a design of God for a purpose. God designed our lives for Himself not for ourselves. He has woven our lives around purpose. It is only when we discover that purpose and abandon every other thing that contradicts with the purpose can our lives be fulfilled.

The ministry of the devil is to take people away from their purpose. This is why most believers minor in the major and major in the minor. It is a distraction from the pit of hell. For instance, God drew Moses out of the water for a purpose (Exodus 2:1-10). The purpose of God is larger than we. The fact is that every divine intervention will receive satanic challenge.

Even when the devil does not stop our purpose, like Moses, we complain about our weaknesses. Arguably, our weaknesses cannot stop God's purpose in our lives. Moses was a stammer but that could not stop him from fulfilling his purpose. God also had a purpose for Gideon, Joseph, and David despite their weaknesses and difficult times they went through (Judges 6:11, Genesis 37:23-28, 1 Samuel 18:6-11).

Prophetic Word: "God does not exist for any man."

*This message was preached by Pastor Toni Ogobegwu on September 4 2005.