Monday, February 15, 2021

Sins of the Past

Whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committedRomans 3:25 

For thousands of years, man continued to sin with impunity, and for this length of time, God endured the flagrant disregard for His law. With the exception of some great examples of judgments, Divine righteousness seemed asleep; men sinned, and yet they lived. They sinned on, and yet reached their old age in safety. 

So, it may be asked, where then is the wages of sin that God decreed against the sinner? Where is the righteousness of God which required that sin must be punished? It seemed as though God was harbouring sin. God had to manifest the vengeance of His righteousness against sin to the fullest. 

In the fullness of time, He judged sin; and He did this by a striking act - He aimed His vengeance against sin at His only begotten Son, when He became a man and carried on Himself the sin of the world. In His death,  Jesus endured the punishment which each sinner deserved to receive. In His only begotten Son, God dealt with the sins of the past. 
