For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 2 Thessalonians 2:7
What is the mystery of lawlessness of which the apostle says that it is already at work? A mystery is something that is not yet revealed. On its part, lawlessness is a growing antagonism toward all things godly. Lawlessness, which will be personified in the man of sin, is secretly at work in the world already. When you observe anarchists taking over cities in different parts of the world, don't be deceived into believing that it is just a global protest against racism, as it is claimed, it is the birth pang of the soon revelation of the man of sin spoken of by apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians chapter two.
The working of lawlessness at this time is being restrained by the presence of the church, but this will not continue forever because very soon the church that is the light and salt of the world will be taken out of the world, and then, the man of sin who is the personification of lawlessness will be revealed for the whole world to see, and then, lawlessness will be full blown in the world. The prophet Isaiah, spoke of such a time, and said that gross darkness will cover the earth. As you see lawlessness multiplying in the world, know that it won't be long before the person of lawlessness will himself be revealed.
But before this happens, there will be the great falling away, also known as the great apostasy spoken of in 1 Timothy 4:1. In the age when you see this great falling away taking place, then, know that it won't be long before the church is taken away from the world, and the man of sin revealed. I believe that we are watching the unfolding of events in our time that will lead up to these two world shaking events: the rapture and the revelation of the man of sin. This is not a time to be careless about what you believe: Jesus died on the cross to save the world from its sin, and if you believe in Him, you will be saved.
What is the mystery of lawlessness of which the apostle says that it is already at work? A mystery is something that is not yet revealed. On its part, lawlessness is a growing antagonism toward all things godly. Lawlessness, which will be personified in the man of sin, is secretly at work in the world already. When you observe anarchists taking over cities in different parts of the world, don't be deceived into believing that it is just a global protest against racism, as it is claimed, it is the birth pang of the soon revelation of the man of sin spoken of by apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians chapter two.
The working of lawlessness at this time is being restrained by the presence of the church, but this will not continue forever because very soon the church that is the light and salt of the world will be taken out of the world, and then, the man of sin who is the personification of lawlessness will be revealed for the whole world to see, and then, lawlessness will be full blown in the world. The prophet Isaiah, spoke of such a time, and said that gross darkness will cover the earth. As you see lawlessness multiplying in the world, know that it won't be long before the person of lawlessness will himself be revealed.
But before this happens, there will be the great falling away, also known as the great apostasy spoken of in 1 Timothy 4:1. In the age when you see this great falling away taking place, then, know that it won't be long before the church is taken away from the world, and the man of sin revealed. I believe that we are watching the unfolding of events in our time that will lead up to these two world shaking events: the rapture and the revelation of the man of sin. This is not a time to be careless about what you believe: Jesus died on the cross to save the world from its sin, and if you believe in Him, you will be saved.