Friday, June 5, 2020

Step out of the Boat

The story of Jesus walking on the water is a fascinating one is often told, yet, sadly, what we often focus on, with respect to Peter, in this story is his failure to complete the walk. Before we can judiciously criticize Peter regarding his so called failure, we must first observe his courage in stepping out unto the water (which is a completely uncharted territory). If this initial step was not taken, we would not have a story to tell in the first place. So, for everyone desiring to have a "walking on water" experience like Peter, there must first be the courage to step out from the "boat" at the Lord's command. As long as we remain in the "boat", like the other disciples, the faith needed to "walk on the water" will never be released.

In what area of life are you desiring to "walk on the water"? You first will need to identify what the boat is, and courageously step out of that boat. Did you ever wonder why God repeatedly commands us to be courageous? It seems to me that it is because faith will remain only a potential until we courageously step out of the boat, which is symbolic of our comfort zone. If you want a "walking on the water" experience, what it means is that you want to experience something that you have never experienced before, and only faith can bring you into such an experience. But for such faith to be released, you must be courageous, entirely looking at Jesus as you take each step in the journey of faith at His instance. 

So, be courageous, set your gaze on Jesus and His finished work on cross, where the impossible is made possible. Peter's faith didn't make the water solid, it believed that the water was solid, but this could only be verified by taking the first step, and it took courage to take that first step. Your situation may be different from Peter's, but the principle is the same: get a word from the Lord, be courageous and take that first step. It is often a step into the realm of the unknown. 
