Wednesday, June 17, 2020

One World Religion is a Doctrine of Demons

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons1 Timothy 4:1

To begin with, it is important that we clarify what a doctrine of demons is, and against that backdrop examine the one world religion to determine who the author is. Any doctrine that challenges the veracity of any claim of Jesus Christ is a doctrine of demons, and anyone who believes such a doctrine has been deceived into believing a doctrine of demons. 

Having said this, let's now take a look at what constitutes the one world religion, and see if it can be categorized as a doctrine of demons. It is a belief that all religions are serving the same God, therefore, through the coming together of all the different religions, there will be global peace. From the Christian worldview, many things make it impossible for a true follower of Jesus Christ to endorse this doctrine. 

First is the fact of the claim of Jesus that no one can come to the Father except by Him (John 14:6). This claim immediately runs counter to the doctrine of the one world religion which believes that all religions worship the same God, therefore, there can be no single way to God. The doctrine of Christ immediately conflicts with what the one world religion postulates. 

Next is the doctrine of universal brotherhood which is a fabric of the one world religion. According to this doctrine, we are all the children of God, irrespective of our religious beliefs. Again, this is in conflict with the teachings of Jesus Christ. In John 8:44, Jesus told the Pharisees that they were of their father the devil making it clear that not everyone is a child of God. God is not the Father of everyone, though He is the Creator of all. He is the Father of those who believe in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son. 

Furthermore, the claim of Jesus regarding equality with God rules out the possibility of a true follower of Jesus enduring the doctrine of the one world religion which sees Jesus as only a prophet of God. In John 10:30, Jesus told the Jews, "I and My Father are one", and they tried to kill Him because He made Himself equal with God. He was crucified because of His claim to be the Son of God. These are claims that form the bedrock of the Christian faith, and to be joined to an association that denies this is inconceivable for a true child of God. 

Finally, the exclusivity of Christ for salvation makes it impossible for any true follower of Jesus to endorse the one world religion doctrine, and only the devil will inspire a doctrine that denies the exclusivity of Christ as a means to God. Any child of God who accepts the doctrine of the one world religion has been deceived, because what he has believed is a doctrine of demons, and according to the Holy Spirit, such a person has departed from the faith. 
