Wednesday, May 20, 2020

My King and my God

Give heed to the voice of my cry,
My King and my God, for to You I will pray
Psalm 5:2

The psalmist, here, addresses God as both his King and God. For him, God was more than a Creator, He also was his King. But what is the implication of God being King? A king is an autocratic figure whose words are binding as law, and are not subject to dictate, but rather obedience. When God is King to us, it implies that His words will be binding to us as law. If God is worth being God at all, then He must be King. This was how the psalmist viewed God: King.

The bible concept of God does not envisaged a God that is not King. To come to a God who is not King is to come to a God that is not revealed in the Bible. Said differently, if God is not King, then, He is not the God of the Bible. When God is not King, something else will be God, and in most cases, it will be self that assumes the role, and rules as God. And when self rules as God, truth will be set aside each time it is not convenient to uphold it. 

Nothing endangers eternal safety as the rule of self, which is idolatry. In Luke 9:23, Jesus told His disciples that whosoever desired to follow Him must deny himself and take up his cross. This is a condition, not for coming to Jesus, but a condition for following Him. So, what is God to you? Is He both Creator and King, or is He only Creator to you?
