"Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come." 1 Corinthians 16:2
The question of giving in the church has become a contentious issue, but it should not be, if only the mind of God is known on the matter of giving. Debate over whether or not the tithe is consistent with grace is a total distraction and misunderstanding of what grace results in. If true grace is in operation, it results in generosity toward God and His cause.
The teaching of grace on giving commands that we give generously. By this token, the tithe is not a generous portion of what we have. If I have 10 naira, giving 1 naira out of the 10 will not be termed a generous act. What can properly be said to be generous will range from 40 naira upward. So the tithe does not capture the essence of giving under grace. If one has a problem parting with 1 naira out of 10 naira that God has given him, and if 40 naira and above are adjudged as generous giving, how can such a person ever give generously to God?
We don't give, under grace, by law, we give according to how much God has blessed us, yet, even this, if it is to capture the essence of giving under grace, should be given generously. Generosity is the standard by which our giving is measured.
The question of giving in the church has become a contentious issue, but it should not be, if only the mind of God is known on the matter of giving. Debate over whether or not the tithe is consistent with grace is a total distraction and misunderstanding of what grace results in. If true grace is in operation, it results in generosity toward God and His cause.
The teaching of grace on giving commands that we give generously. By this token, the tithe is not a generous portion of what we have. If I have 10 naira, giving 1 naira out of the 10 will not be termed a generous act. What can properly be said to be generous will range from 40 naira upward. So the tithe does not capture the essence of giving under grace. If one has a problem parting with 1 naira out of 10 naira that God has given him, and if 40 naira and above are adjudged as generous giving, how can such a person ever give generously to God?
We don't give, under grace, by law, we give according to how much God has blessed us, yet, even this, if it is to capture the essence of giving under grace, should be given generously. Generosity is the standard by which our giving is measured.