Thursday, January 10, 2019

Repaid at the Resurrection

Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? Job 11:7

The man of knowledge wants to search out God by his much learning, but he finds out to his chagrin that it is an exercise in futility. God can only be known because He chose to be known, and therefore made Himself known. He did this in different stages. First, He revealed Himself to man at creation, but this was short-lived because sin came into the equation of His relationship with man. After this, God chose to make Himself known to man through the agency of prophets. He made Himself known to the prophet and then sent him to the people with a definite message. Hebrews 1:1.

In the fullness of time, God bust into the realm of history and became a man in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. By Jesus Christ, God made Himself known to man like had never before been since the fall of man. Anyone wanting to know God today can do so by looking at Jesus. Jesus told His disciples that whoever has seen Him has equally seen the Father who sent Him. So in answer to Zophar's question,  we must say that man, by his much searching, cannot find out God, but God, in His kindness, has made Himself knowable through Jesus Christ. 
