Monday, January 14, 2019

Drawn out of the Water

When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, “I drew him out of the water.” Exodus 2:10 | NIV

Moses' mother reached the end of her ability to keeping her son who was marked, by the cruel law of an evil king, for death. In her despair, she did what faith inspired, and I believe that at that moment, in her desperation to save her son's life, the story of how God saved Noah through the ark may have come to here mind, and so she made something in the form of an ark and lowered it on the water and left the question of her son's destiny in the hands of God. 

Left with God on a flowing river, the daughter of pharaoh saw him in the ark, took him, and named him Moses, which means, drawn out of the water. How profound! But the amazing thing about this story did not stop with how God orchestrated the meeting of the boy with the daughter of pharaoh, it goes on with the boy being raised and trained in the house of the man that wanted him dead. This is how a sovereign God works. The beautiful thing is that what was done for Moses can still be done for anyone who stays in the place of faith like the mother of Moses. 

I am not sure on what water your life may be tossed on at this time, be couraged in the fact that God is still in the business of drawing people out of the water and taking them to where He has destined for them. The water, no matter how deep and fast flowing, is in the power of God and will serve His purpose for your life. He that drew Moses out of the water and brought him to the king's palace knows what water you are upon at this point in your life and is able to coast you to safety. 
