Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Made Right before God

Romans 3:24

The single sacrifice of Christ on man’s behalf on the cross brought about unimaginable benefits to the sinner; no wonder it is to some, too good to be true. So they seek ways to minimize the inestimable riches of the wondrous glory of His grace towards a fallen man. One of such inestimable and unprecedented consequences of Christ’s atoning sacrifice for us is that we have been made right with God, without any merit of ours whatsoever, except the grace of God.

In the Old Testament, the High Priest came into the Holy of Holies once in a year to present sacrifice for the sins of the people of Israel and because he had to do it yearly, it meant that there remained a remembrance of sin. But when Christ offered His own blood on our behalf, as our High Priest, it was a once and for all sacrifice. If the sacrifice that was repeated yearly meant the remembrance of sin, then that which Christ offered once and for all times, would mean that there ceased to be a remembrance of sin. Because of His one sacrifice, we can eternally come into the presence of God boldly by the blood which He shed for us.

Because of what Christ did on the cross for us, God has declared us to be in right standing with Himself. Our position in Christ is like those who have never sinned because in Christ there is no remembrance of sin. Some people have somehow mistaken this truth of remembrance of sin in Christ to mean that God is careless about the conduct of those who come to Him through Christ. This cannot be true, because the same people are told in 1 Peter 1:16, to be holy even as God is holy. The true position is that in Christ, we have been made holy, positionally, but called to be holy (practical outworking of our faith on a daily basis). One does not cancel out the other.
