Sunday, August 26, 2012

The End is at Hand

There is no doubt that the end of this world system is near and for this reason; the Devil amplifies vanities and sets people's affection on them in order to distract their attentions. As the Bible makes us understand, we are in a peculiar time (2 Timothy 3:1-end).

In other words, we are in the last days—perilous, difficult and terrible time. Unfortunately, we can't pray this time away. All we need is the wisdom and grace to live for God at this time.

As this time unfolds, people are becoming more and more self-centred (they esteem themselves above everything including God), covetous (obsessed about everything), boasters, proud, blasphemous, disobedient to parents, unthankful, and unholy.

Prophetic Word: "God begins where men end."

*This message was preached by Pastor Toni Ogobegwu on July 24 2005.