Friday, April 24, 2020

Will the Son of Man Find Faith when He Returns

I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8 

Faith in its simplest bible sense means trust in God. So, was Jesus asking whether He would find men trusting God on the earth when He returns? If bible faith is trust in God, then it will be reasonable to also agree that this is what Jesus implied in His question. Was Jesus wondering that there may be a time on the earth when trust in God would be hard to come by? It does seem so.

If there will be a drought in trusting God on the earth at the time of Jesus' return, what will they be putting their trust in then, because ultimately, man must believe in something? Remember that faith deals with the unseen realities of God's dealings, therefore, if such faith is absent, there must, of necessity, be a counterfeit faith that trusts in only what is seen. Seeing will be believing at such a time. As we observe the trend that the world is going, it will not be difficult to see this already outplaying itself. Today, science and technology are gradually taking the place of God in the life of many. The rise of atheism is remarkable in our day. Men deny the existence of whatever they cannot verify scientifically, especially God, while believing in many other things that they cannot rationally verify.

In my mind, this is what Jesus wondered about, when He asked, will the Son of man find faith when He returns? We can therefore reconstruct what Jesus said to imply, "would something less than God have replaced God in the hearts of men on earth when He returns?"

Many believers wonder if the church will be here at this time, but it has to be taken into account that when Jesus returns, the church will not be on the earth, the church will be coming with Him, having been taken away seven years earlier at the rapture. So the ungodliness on the earth at that time can only be imagined. It will be a time of unparalleled spiritual darkness upon the earth, because the light of the world, the church, will be absent; and the decay will be astronomical, because the salt of the earth, the church, will be absent. This is why I say that there will be an unparalleled darkness in the world when Jesus returns, and this is the condition of the world that Jesus wondered about
