Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Walking in the Spirit Versus Walking in the Flesh

That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit ...So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Romans 8:4-5, 8-9

To be in the Spirit is not something that we attain by good works. It is something we are brought into by faith in Christ Jesus. This is the work of God. On the other hand, to be in the flesh is the condition of all humans at birth. All in Adam are in the flesh. It is imputed by Adam's single disobedience, it is not a position that we come into by what we do, we are born into it. To walk in the flesh is different from being in the flesh.

This distinction is something that many people don't understand, therefore, they conclude that Romans 8 is running a commentary on an unsaved person and a saved person. But this chapter is dealing with two kinds of Christians, one that walks in the flesh (not  a person who is in the flesh), and another that walks in the Spirit (not just a person who is in the Spirit). Romans 8 is a commentary on two people who are both in the Spirit, but with one walking in the Spirit, and the other walking in the flesh.

On the other hand, walking in the the Spirit is not something that is imputed to us, it is something that we are enabled to do by the Spirit, but we will have to make a choice to following the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit is exclusive to the believer in Christ Jesus. But walking in the flesh is somewhat different from what we saw regarding being in the flesh. We saw that all who are not in Christ are in the flesh, and that one cannot be in Christ and at the same time be in the flesh. With regards to walking in the flesh, those in Christ who do not walk in the Spirit, cannot fail to walk in the flesh. You will agree with me that one can be in a thing and yet not walk in it. This is a possibility for those in Christ, who are also regarded as being in the Spirit. But those in the flesh have not this privilege of choice, as they are in bondage to sin. But the believer in Christ has been delivered from bondage to sin.

Those who are in Adam (flesh ) have no choice, they walk in the flesh, being in the flesh, but those in Christ will only walk in the flesh because they chose to do so. Those in the flesh have a tendency to sin because that is their nature. In Christ, we have been delivered from this tendency to sin. (This thought is expanded in the book, The Portrait of True Grace).
