Thursday, January 24, 2019

Let my People Go

Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the Lord says: Israel is my firstborn son...and I told you, “Let my son go, so he may worship me.” Exodus 4:22-23 | NIV

Israel was in captivity in Egypt, but it was time for God to free them from the hands of their slave master, and to do this, He raised a deliverer, Moses. Today, a new pharaoh has appeared and is holding God's people captive, and God, as of old is sending the same message He sent to Pharaoh through Moses: let my people go that they may serve me. But who, you may ask is this new pharaoh to whom God is sending this message? 

In Egypt, it was a political pharaoh, but today it is a religious pharaoh. These are under-shepherds who have ceased the affection of God's people for themselves and have received their allegiance more than what they have for God. To such under-shepherds God is saying, let My people go that they may worship me. It is interesting to note that God is not just desiring His people's freedom for the sake of freeing them, He is doing so to free them, so they may worship Him. 

Is it not worrisome when God's people know their pastors more than they know their Saviour? And even more worrisome is the situation when they trust in what their pastors say above what their Saviour says. So it ceases to matter what the Saviour says, even when it contradicts what the Saviour says. When this happens, God will raise a Moses to say to such religious Pharaohs, let my people go that they may worship me. 

As you read this, is there a chance that you are a voice that God is raising to say to the Pharaohs of our time to let His people go? There's a chance you are, but it will require courage to arise, like Moses, and go to Pharaoh and say to him what God is saying, "let my people go ". As you do so, you will be misunderstood and even maligned, but be strengthened, knowing that you have been sent by God, and that come what may, He is standing by you. 
