Tuesday, March 19, 2019

To Enter is not to Inherit

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. Galatians 6:9 | NASB

Our focus today is to make a distinction between inheriting the kingdom of God and inheriting in the kingdom of God. Those who persevere inherit IN the kingdom of God. It is important that we note that it is not being said that those who persevere inherit THE kingdom of God because we don't inherit the kingdom by perseverance, but upon believing. Only those who believe will inherit the kingdom through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. This is called justification. But having been justified, the believer perseveres in order to get an inheritance in the kingdom.

The bible says that those who suffer with Him shall reign with Him. There isn't equal benefits for all who enter heaven. The only thing equal is the one condition of entry, which is by faith. Anyone who comes by faith inherits the kingdom, but only those who persevere will inherit in the kingdom. Someone rightly said that shock awaits many believers when they get into heaven, (not if they enter) only to find out that things are not the way they have been told about heaven. To be sure, they will certainly be happy that they got into heaven, but they will lately discover that not everything in heaven is for everyone in heaven. Somethings are reserved for saints who persevered in their earthly walk in Christ. Said differently, inheriting the kingdom is a gift from God to all who will believe, but inheriting in the kingdom is a reward for those who have laboured for the cause of the kingdom.

When faith in Christ is only seen as an insurance policy for getting into heaven, the tendency to stop at just inheriting the kingdom of God and lose sight of the fact that there are rewards in heaven that are not for everyone. So, persevere.
